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A considerable number of Societies interested in systems have appeared worldwide. However, most of them are merely concerned with some special aspects of systems, as for example: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Fuzzy Logic, Operation Research, Systems Dynamics, Systems Engineering, Systems Simulation, etc…
If Systemics and Cybernetics are to be considered as the hard core of which more specialized disciplines are kinds of conceptual satellites, the following list of Societies seems to cover the field in a quite exhaustive way:
- American Society for Cybernetics
- Argentine Society for Systemics and Cybernetics
- Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
- Centre for Systems Studies (University of Hull)
- Collège de Systémique de l'AFCET (Paris)
- European Systems Science Union
- Hellenic Systems Society
- Instituto Andino de Sistemas (Peru)
- International Association of Cybernetics (Belgium) (Dissolved in 1999)
- International Federation for Systems Research (Linz)
- International Society for the Systems Science
- International Systems Institute (Carmel, CA)
- Italian Association for Research on Systems (Milano)
- Polish Systems Society (Wroclaw)
- Siovenian Systems Society (Maribor, Slovenia)
- Spanish Society for General Systems (Valencia, Spain)
- Swiss System Society (Neuchâtel)
- Systeem Groep Nederland (Amsterdam)
- United Kingdom Systems Society (Hull)
- World Organization of Cybernetics and Systems (Paris)
Most of these Societies are active organizations, which organize events, have research groups, and publish books, booklets and in some cases, a Newsletter or a Journal. For details, see, in most cases, specific heading.
There are some other Societies, whose existence seems merely nominal, as well as a number of informal groups in different countries, some of which will probably become officially Systems Societies.
- 1) General information
- 2) Methodology or model
- 3) Epistemology, ontology and semantics
- 4) Human sciences
- 5) Discipline oriented
Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science(2020).
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Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (2020). Title of the entry. In Charles François (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics (2). Retrieved from[full/url]
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