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Natural organ or artificial device able to register certain signals and to transform them into a code acceptable to the system.
The term, originally a biological one, was used by A. LOTKA (1956, p.363-5), but never entered in widespread use. J.G. MILLER uses the term "Input transducer", which he limits to the devices able to register elements of infomation.
According to A. LOTKA, the receptors are the initial elements of the devices he called "depictors", needed by systems to obtain a representation of their environment The receptors transmit the results of their perception to the "elaborators" (p.363-65).
- 1) General information
- 2) Methodology or model
- 3) Epistemology, ontology and semantics
- 4) Human sciences
- 5) Discipline oriented
Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science(2020).
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Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (2020). Title of the entry. In Charles François (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics (2). Retrieved from[full/url]
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